
Welcome to the new SGD

June 24, 2013 — James Fulton

Welcome to the new SGD

In celebration of twelves months as a full time operation, we are super excited to introduce our brand new website! It’s been a long time in the making but we finally found some time to focus on us for a minute which is a rarity these days thanks to all of our amazing, wonderful clients.

The past twelve months have not only been a crazy whirlwind for SGD, but for the Internet and web development as well! HTML5 coding is increasing user experience and interactivity and responsive web design is changing the face of web in order to keep up with the ever growing amount of web users on the go.
The new exhibits both of these elements demonstrating and encouraging you and everyone to join us and take this step forward with your own web presence, if you haven’t already. This is the way forward and businesses need to learn, understand and embrace these web trends in order to stay ahead of their competition and win over new customers.

How do you learn you say? Well, it’s our job to teach and this will be using this blog to do so. Visit us each week for news, advice and tips on the web industry and how to ensure you’re making the most of your website!

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James Fulton

Since founding the company in 2012, James has been the driving force behind SGD's success. As a visionary leader, he guides the SGD team, encouraging them to continually excel in digital design. James inspires a culture of growth, challenging each team member to surpass their own limits and set new standards in the field. This commitment to excellence not only propels personal development but also ensures SGD consistently delivers exceptional results for its clients.

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