
SGD Review of WordPress 4.3

August 20, 2015 — James Fulton

SGD Review of WordPress 4.3

Back in January we reviewed the new features in WordPress 4.1, aka “Dinah.” Today we’ll be looking at WordPress 4.3, which was released a couple days ago and is named after jazz singer Billie Holiday. You can read more about the features of this latest version on

In WordPress 4.3 the folks at Automattic have streamlined the customiser so that it is more accessible and mobile-friendly.


You can now use the customiser to update an existing menu, create a new one and assign the menu a location, all while previewing the changes live.


Within the customiser you can also add or change your site icon, which is important in terms of brand identity because it appears everywhere on the Internet: in browser tabs, bookmark menus and on the home screen of mobile devices. If you switch themes, you don’t have to worry about adding in the site icon again, as it will stay in place.


As an added layer of security, WordPress 4.3 will now suggest stronger passwords by default when a user requests a password reset. Also, when adding a new user, WordPress will send them a link to setup a password instead of sending them passwords in plain text.

The visual editor in WordPress has definitely improved over the last few versions, but formatting the text still involved pressing buttons, which interrupts the flow of writing. WordPress 4.3 has introduced inline text shortcuts, which will automatically format text as you type. To see the complete list of shortcuts, click the Toolbar toggle icon at the top of the visual editor and then the help icon below it.



Additionally, you can now edit links in your posts more easily by clicking the buttons in the window that appears inline, instead of going up to the toolbar at the top of the visual editor.


One issue that we’re really glad to see resolved is the fact that before version 4.3, WordPress had comments turned on by default for pages. Who wants people to comment on their static pages? Of course, you want comments only on your blog posts. Now when you upgrade to 4.3, comments will be turned OFF for pages by default.

In conclusion, we’re excited about WordPress 4.3 and we hope Automattic continues to make this platform as user-friendly as possible, while also improving the experience for us developers.

TIP: Be careful when updating your site to WP 4.3 so soon after its release, as not all plugins will be compatible with it. That’s why it’s important to back up your site as well as install plugins whose developers keep them up to date. Our monthly maintenance plans ensure that our clients receive priority site support when major updates are released.

Whether you are a WordPress newbie or pro, a custom WordPress theme can transform your business online by activating your brand and reaching potential customers you never knew you had. If you have a web project in mind, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free, no-obligation assessment of your needs and visions.

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James Fulton

Since founding the company in 2012, James has been the driving force behind SGD's success. As a visionary leader, he guides the SGD team, encouraging them to continually excel in digital design. James inspires a culture of growth, challenging each team member to surpass their own limits and set new standards in the field. This commitment to excellence not only propels personal development but also ensures SGD consistently delivers exceptional results for its clients.

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