
How much should a GREAT website cost you?

July 18, 2017 — James Fulton

How much should a GREAT website cost you?

It’s time to put your money where your mouth is – let’s talk about getting the website your business really deserves – and needs!

Simply-put, when it comes to your website, you get what you pay for. If you are wanting to create a very basic landing page for say, your birthday, a wedding, or event, hey, you can do that yourself! And it shouldn’t cost you more than the URL fee and hosting – which should be around $100.

If your website’s purpose is to support your business, or your business is infact online, for example an online store, then you might be looking at spending $10, 000+ to get the site that services your business properly. But it will be 100% worth it.

In most cases, the more you put in the more you get out. By engaging with a professional whose speciality is building websites for your niche business you will find it a seamless and easy experience. With ongoing support offered by most, you will never be alone with your digital space – meaning hacking, security issues, and any questions you have will always be answered. Day or night!

By teaming up with a professional agency, or expert, you can be sure that you will proud of your online space – one that represents your business accurately. Show your visitors that you are serious about your business and making it a success.


Let’s discuss the features that will determine the cost of your site.

Factors that come into play:

  • Number of pages
  • Ecommerce capabilities
  • Copywriting services
  • SEO
  • Responsive design
  • Database integration
  • CMS
  • Video & professional photography
  • Blog

Then there are the set-up steps which involve hosting and purchasing your URL. These are generally included in your package.


Project Scope

The scope of your project may be level 1 (pretty basic) or level 4 (complex and integrated). Which category do you fit into?

Note: These prices are based on SGD’s pricing guide.

Level 1: BASIC $1000-$3000

  • 1-3 pages of mostly text and images displaying your services and a contact form. This option works well for tradesmen, or anyone selling a service that requires phone or online contact to carry out the service.

Level 2: Professional $3000-$5000

  • 3-10 pages, more interactivity and lead generation forms.

Level 3: Custom $5000-$10000

  • Unlimited pages, a unique design and customised features for increased enquiries and sales.

Level 4: Online Business $10000-$50000

  • Revenue producing website selling products, courses or memberships. Complex site mapping and design.
Final Thoughts

Here’s why we would rather see you spend your hard earned $$ with a professional, than on a DIY site like WIX and Weebly… according to WEBYDO 98% of amateurs attempting their own site fail in ever publishing that site on a domain. A 2% success rate just isn’t enough for us. Sorry!

STILL thinking about going it alone? Good on you! But because we care, there are a few more hurdles you will want to consider before you go for gold. Do you understand SEO? Can you communicate your messages clearly, concisely and with an engaging tone? Do you have the design skills to create what you really want? If not, that is OK because that is what we do! Copywriting, design, SEO, coding – hey, we can even set you up with your first 8 weeks of social media to help you launch your site.


So, are you considering investing in your website?

We help businesses succeed every day with our team of highly skilled web developers. If you are after a personal experience for your project, small or large (where we care about the outcome as much as you do!), then please get in touch for a FREE 30 minute Skype consult today.


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James Fulton

Since founding the company in 2012, James has been the driving force behind SGD's success. As a visionary leader, he guides the SGD team, encouraging them to continually excel in digital design. James inspires a culture of growth, challenging each team member to surpass their own limits and set new standards in the field. This commitment to excellence not only propels personal development but also ensures SGD consistently delivers exceptional results for its clients.

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June 15, 2017

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