Planning a new website? We’re now accepting projects for March 2025 – Get started
When people visit your website for the first time, everything is new and exciting, and your audience is likely to keep visiting it while there is still unexplored content for them to find. But what about the fifth visit? The tenth? If your content isn’t kept fresh, your traffic will begin to fall off, and profits from your website will slacken. Here are four ways to keep your website looking new, and to keep those profits high:
Through blog posts, you are literally talking to your audience. You are telling them what’s new with your business, with your industry, with related categories. By posting blog articles, you are not only engaging your audience on a personal level, but you are also creating content that will work hard for you. You’ll post it on social media. It’ll be used by search engines to improve your rankings. It’ll help you find – and keep – your target market.
Blog posts aren’t the only thing you’ll need to publish on your myriad of social media feeds. Post short, quick notes to your customers via Twitter; pictures of your latest project, your new team member, or the office dogs on Instagram; and share an article from one of your followers on Facebook. Make sure your post is related to your business/industry/target audience, and that it’s appropriate for the medium. You should also have at least one feed displayed on your website; Instagram is a popular choice, as well as Twitter. While you’re deep in Social Media Land, however, be careful to avoid pitfalls that can cause your strategy to backfire.
There are times a redesign is necessary, for instance when you’ve launched a new project or changed the way you do business, or when your traffic is declining. A redesign can be anything from changing your colour scheme and logo when you update your branding, adding social media feeds, or changing the layout to keep pace with others in your industry. You may want to consider overhauling your home page, while only making minor updates to the rest of your site to ensure consistency. With a few hours of planning, and then a bit more for implementation, a redesign will recreate your digital image.
Sometimes it’s better to go back to the drawing board, and build a new website from the ground up. If you’ve got broken links all over the place, unusable forms, outdated plugins, or your website is not mobile-friendly, it’s time to think seriously about starting anew. The great thing about a rebuild is that you’ve already got a good bit of content, you know what to expect from the process, and once you’ve rebuilt, you won’t have to do it again for quite some time. Yes, it’s a major investment in terms of both dollars and time, but as an important member of your sales team, your website needs to be performing at its peak at all times.
SGD is here to help with all your website needs. Contact us to get your website back in top condition.
Since founding the company in 2012, James has been the driving force behind SGD's success. As a visionary leader, he guides the SGD team, encouraging them to continually excel in digital design. James inspires a culture of growth, challenging each team member to surpass their own limits and set new standards in the field. This commitment to excellence not only propels personal development but also ensures SGD consistently delivers exceptional results for its clients.