Taphouse cover for first screen

Taphouse, nestled in the heart of Darlinghurst, is a local pub that prides itself on its unique blend of music and Cantonese cuisine.

Their mission is to curate unforgettable moments for their patrons, whether it’s a corporate event, a casual lunch, a birthday bash, or any occasion under the sun.

Taphouse sought to mirror this exceptional experience on its website, intending to amplify its brand presence and drive online bookings and visits.

Taphouse upper photo

About the Project

Recognising the need to leverage the power of digital, Taphouse enlisted the expertise of SGD, a digital agency renowned for its proficiency in crafting websites that align with clients’ unique objectives.

They required a website that not only reflected their brand but also facilitated seamless online reservations and inquiries. The website needed to be:

  • visually appealing
  • easy to navigate
  • convenient for customers and
  • optimised for mobile devices.

Our Solution

SGD embarked on the project with an unwavering focus on Taphouse’s vision. The approach encompassed the following key steps:

  1. Discovery Phase: SGD engaged in comprehensive discussions with Taphouse to comprehend its brand ethos, target audience, and specific requirements. These insights were instrumental in shaping the project’s strategic direction.
  2. Strategic Planning: Building upon the gathered insights, SGD formulated a comprehensive strategy for website design and development. The strategy prioritised a user-centric experience, responsive design, and seamless integration of online booking functionality.
  3. Design and Development: SGD’s expert development team collaborated to craft a unique website that encapsulated Taphouse’s vibrant ambience. The site featured visually appealing elements, user-friendly navigation, and responsiveness across various devices.
  4. Integration of Booking System: Recognising the significance of online bookings for Taphouse, SGD seamlessly integrated a reservation system into the website. This allowed patrons to reserve tables and private spaces or inquire about event hosting effortlessly.
  5. Content Enhancement: SGD worked closely with Taphouse to curate and optimise website content. Engaging copy and visuals were employed to evoke the atmosphere and offerings of the pub.
  6. User Testing: Before launch, SGD rigorously tested the website’s functionality, ensuring a smooth experience for visitors across different devices and browsers.
  7. Launch and Ongoing Support: After the new website was launched, SGD provided ongoing support and maintenance to guarantee optimal website performance.


The collaborative effort between Taphouse and SGD yielded impressive results:

  • Enhanced Online Visibility: The redesigned website not only reflected Taphouse’s brand but also significantly improved its online presence, attracting a wider audience.
  • Improved User Experience: The intuitive design and responsive layout ensured visitors could easily navigate the website and access relevant information.
  • Consistent Brand Representation: Taphouse’s website now serves as a digital extension of its vibrant atmosphere and enticing offerings, fostering brand consistency and recognition.

Taphouse middle photo

Taphouse last photo

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